ब्रेकिंग न्यूज :

Shahjahanpur- D.M. Conducted Surprise Inspection of Primary Health Center in Katia Tola

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District Magistrate Dharmendra Pratap Singh conducted a surprise inspection of the Primary Health Center (PHC) in Katia Tola to assess the quality of healthcare services. During the inspection, the DM reviewed various registers, including the attendance register, OPD register, visit register, and stock register.
At the time DM interacted with patients and sought information from the posted pharmacist regarding available medications. Additionally, he inquired about the number of patients visiting the PHC. The Medical Superintendent informed that on average, over 100 patients are provided consultations daily, with 58 patients receiving care on the day of the inspection


और पढ़े  बिग ब्रेकिंग: अयोध्या- कुलश्रेष्ठ के दरबार में पहुंचे चौदह कोसी सूर्यवंश क्षत्रिय समाज के वंशज।