ब्रेकिंग न्यूज :

Officials Urged to Attend Gram Chaupal—- DM

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Shahjahanpur –

A meeting was held on Thursday in the Collectorate auditorium under the chairmanship of District Magistrate Dharmendra Pratap Singh to discuss the necessary action plan for the effective implementation of Gram Chaupal in the justice panchayats, which will take place every Thursday.

During the meeting, the District Magistrate instructed all relevant officials to ensure their timely presence at the Gram Chaupal meetings held each Thursday. He emphasized that all nodal officers should remain in the villages from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM to listen to public grievances and collect information in the prescribed formats.

The District Magistrate mentioned that each nodal officer has been assigned two justice panchayats, which will allow for coverage of all villages in the district over the next four months. He stated that the purpose of organizing Gram Chaupal in the villages is to address all types of complaints from the community. Complaints received during the public meetings will be uploaded to the IGRS portal for resolution.

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