ब्रेकिंग न्यूज :

Irfan film received certificate of honor.

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NEWS-+++Navdha Film Festival held in Mathura, the documentary film “Punarjeevan” by Irfan Human received certificate of honor. The film focuses on the scientific revival of cows. The closing session of the festival was graced the presence of actress Hema Malini.

Friends Celebrate Irfan Human’s Success

In a recent development, friends of renowned scientist Irfan Human expressed their joy over his latest achievement. In addition to his scientific contributions, Human is also known for producing short films on various subjects.

और पढ़े  विभाग में चल रहे धर्मांतरण का खेल हुआ उजागर,सिंडिकेट ने बिजली विभाग के अफसर की पत्नी का कराया धर्मांतरण